Written by Ethan Quinn

Edited By Avya Solutions | Virtual Assistant Services

Weddings are a special day for any couple around the world. It’s a time to celebrate the bond between two families and their growing love for one another. Memorializing these moments are important, which is why it's common for weddings to have a photographer. 


There are three qualities to look for when finding a wedding photographer. That would be the cost of the service, the equipment used and the skill of the photographer. These can change how wedding photos look overall and how they're memorialized.


Based on an article from The New York Times called “No Wedding Photographer? No Problem.” By Hilary Shinbaum. It shows the first quality of photographers is equipment. Equipment can change the quality of the photos based on the resources and applications they possess. Such as what kind of camera they have, the access to photoshop, or the contacts to make photo books and framing with your wedding shots.

Illuminated Canvas | August 2022

Today there are so many people who have good cameras and editing software in their pockets. Some couples save money and have their guests take photos. As cost effective as that is, it can be distracting to have so many people taking photos during your moment. When you are memorializing your day there is also the concern of quality photos being taken, as this is the only chance you will have to capture your day.

This is why most couples look to a professional photographer for photos. It allows guests to unplug, relax and watch as their loved ones take the next step in their lives together. It also ensures the photos being taken are the quality you want and can be held onto for years to come. 


How do you know if the equipment is the right quality? Look at a photographer's website or contact them directly to view their portfolios on display. This will give you the best preview of the quality of work they have already done and can give you an estimated value of what to expect.


Cost is the second and can change the quantity as well as the quality of the photos based on the time they spend on them. For example, what if you hired a photographer to take photos for the wedding and shots of the newlyweds before. It could take up to one hour of their time to make proper photos which could cost a couple hundred or so depending on the rate. Putting extra money on these sessions may give you more photos and special perks such as digital access leading to my next point.

Packages are a set number of products put together to help the photographer know what you want to help them with organizing your sessions. Package options and prices are different for every photographer. Asking for details and a portfolio can help you determine if the photographer is a good fit. 

Illuminated Canvas | The Moores | June 2022


Based on an article called “62 Best Wedding Photographers in the World” by Carrie Goldberg and Heather Hall, skill can change the feeling of the photos. What if you wanted a vibrant wedding, maybe in a garden or a beautiful meadow? You would probably want to capture the beauty of the moment. So find a photographer who has experience with scenic shots.


Another skill a photographer should have is the ability to take pictures as events are happening like a picture at the altar, one with the bride coming down the aisle, or one of the wedding cake being cut. The photographer needs a good history of work. So, checking out their reviews and past works may give you a firmer grasp of what skills they have.


In short, when finding a wedding photographer, you should look for the equipment they have under their belt, the cost of the sessions including bundles and what those sessions include, and the skills they possess. These 3 qualities will help to make good long lasting wedding photos to look back on in the future.

Illuminated Canvas | The Swiers | August 2022

Are you in need of a photographer for your wedding?

Fill out the contact form bellow today for a quote.